Be a Patron of the Arts: Support, Inspire, and Empower! image

Be a Patron of the Arts: Support, Inspire, and Empower!

Help Nurture Creativity for Generations to Come


Enriching Lives Through Art

Dear Supporters,

Together, we have the opportunity to build a vibrant arts community that serves as a beacon of inspiration and creativity. At Workshop13, we regularly witness firsthand the transformative power of the arts. From bringing captivating live music and theater performances to life, curating compelling art exhibitions, offering invaluable classroom instruction, orchestrating dynamic music festivals, and crafting awe-inspiring public art installations, our dedication to the arts in our community knows no bounds.

These initiatives, however, would not be possible without the generous support of people like you. By partnering with us, you are not only helping improve the quality of life for residents and visitors, but you are also supporting artists, musicians, performers, and local businesses. Our cultural arts center has become an invaluable hub of creative collaboration, fostering a sense of unity and pride in the greater community.

We understand that there are numerous worthy causes seeking your attention, and we are immensely grateful that you have chosen to support the arts and Workshop13. Your contribution has a direct and tangible impact on our ability to continue bringing the arts to life in our community.

We extend our sincerest thanks and appreciation for your invaluable support. Let us create a brighter future together through the power of the arts.

With gratitude,
